{Little Sister}
She has been developing this big stubborn streak, insisting on her own way. It's so easy to give in to what she wants just to shut her up!! I've been trying not to do that, so this morning I stayed where I was (curled up on the way-to-short loveseat) and listened to her for over 1/2 an hour. She was pretty worked up to say the least. She finally gave in and came to me and we cuddled for awhile.
It made me think. How many times do I do the same thing to my Heavenly Father?? How often do I want MY way, right now, when I say, what I say, how I say, why I say...
Not stopping to think that HE is my Father and HE is the one who knows best. How often do I kick and scream and cry, wanting it MY way when it would be so much easier and more peaceful to come to HIM and let Him hold me, carry me, direct me?
We can learn much from our children as we strive to bring them up in HIS way.