09 July 2011

Horton's Of Tipton ~ French Flea! Part One

I got to go to Horton's of Tipton's French Flea this year!!
After drooling over last years pics I really wanted to go and it ended up working out.  So fun.  Here is the first set of my pictures.

I sometimes can hardly stand it when people post 'part one' and part two' etc.  I want to see it all NOW!  Never was known for having a lot of patience!  But I'm totally understanding now why they do it;)  It takes awhile to upload all those pics.  Besides, it's nice to have another blog post for another day.  Not that I'm lacking right now.  I have a baby shower, 4th of July, and tons of stuff I've made to blog about.  There's just not enough hours in the day.  Plus it takes SO LONG to upload all those pics!  Did I mention I'm not known for my patience?  Tis true, I don't really like to wait.

 Horton's lovely red decor!
 Booth right inside the door.  LOVELY stuff.
Kara, Me, and B. Ellen
(don't fall off your seat at seeing a picture of me.  I know I don't post many of myself, but it's hard to do when you are always the one behind the camera!)
Also ~ notice our bags??  Blog post on those coming soon!
Damask Design with 'David' right in the midst!

 Crown picks, or wands.  One of these came home with me!  The Sisters all tried to take it for themselves.  Guess I should have bought 4!
 Damask Designs delightful proprietress and her lovely shop girls!
This shop is the best.  If you are ever in her area, contact her and stop by!
 More Damask Design loveliness!
 These were my purchases from Damask Design.  Plus one more thing that deserves a blog post all it's (or his!) own:) 
 This vendor had SO much eye candy!  I will confess I don't know the name of her shop:(  Shame on me!  I was in such a state of sensory overload I overlooked small details like shop names.  Kara can ya help me out with that one??

 Wouldn't mind having that display piece in my sewing room to stash stuff in:)
 Here's what I bought from the lovely lady running the booth.  Big Sister can play out of the two books ( and hopefully in a year or so I will be able to also!)
 The lady to the right had a really sweet display.  Her vintages dresses were just lovely.  I wanted to hang them all in my sewing room.
 See what I mean?  Gorgeous.
 I bought these two things from her along with a vintage hankerchief with a beautiful pink 'B' embroidered on it.  Little Sister was thrilled and I haven't seen it since handing it to her.  Thus, no picture of it.
 More of Horton's shop.

 Horton's again.  I want one of these racks someday.
Fudge.  Frozen Lemonade.  Nuff said!

I will be back with the outside vendors, more on those bags you might have caught a glimpse of, and my other Damask Design purchase!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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Blogger Mrs Dibble said...

Oh envy, envy. Temptation everywhere

July 10, 2011 at 1:17 AM  
Blogger Benta AtSLIKstitches said...

Looks like a great day. How's this for a coincidence ... The village I live in is called Horton!!!

July 10, 2011 at 3:38 AM  
Blogger Kelley said...

Oooh looks like a fun time... and lucky you to hang out with my dear friend Barb <3

July 11, 2011 at 11:04 AM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

It was so nice to have met the three of you! What fun we all had. I enjoyed your post today thank you
Blessings today

July 11, 2011 at 5:56 PM  

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