07 July 2009

Praising Our Creator...

I have been immensely enjoying the Beth Moore book 'Stepping Up' that my sister gave me for my birthday. I'm rather sporadic with it, but I really like it. I'd like to make it more of an every day habit than I have to date. This book is about the Psalms of Ascent, Psalm 120-134.

I've always been intrigued by the thought of what the Psalms would have sounded like in their native tongue. I like poetry and have written some of my own poems. The rhythm and rhyme of songs we sing today has always made me think that the Psalms were probably written with that same quality. We have lost that in the translation.

Beth Moore talks about this in the study of Psalm 122. Six words in Psalm 122:6-8 carried the "sh" sound, causing an alliteration. Beth's example of this in our language went like this:
Give praise to the God of glory whose greatness brings grandeur and whose goodness brings gladness.

Then she challenged us to do the same. She says there is a psalmist in all of us!!! Anyone care to do this exercise and share what you come up with?

Here's mine from several days ago when I did this chapter:
Praise God our Protector, who predestined us to be Princes and Princesses in Paradise.

Give it a shot, it's a healthy brain exercise!


Blogger Joni said...

Can you hear that rustling?

That's me digging around and trying to find my unfinished workbook to look up mine...

Give praise to the LORD of lost souls, who loves us and listens to our lips and leads us into liberty.

July 7, 2009 at 9:43 AM  

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