31 October 2008

Little Sister is missing Middle Sister something awful since she has been gone! Middle Sister went with my parents to go see her aunt, uncles and cousins in Kansas. Middle Sister left here on Monday night and will be gone 2 weeks. Little Sister doesn't know what to do with herself! She watches Thomas the Tank Engine on the computer a lot and gets into things quite a bit. She seems to always be looking for some way to get attention. She told Big Sister the other evening, "My fwend Lawty (larkey) went to Tansas wif Gwama and I miss hew!" Today she started telling me about one time when she and Middle Sister were playing and Middle Sister pushed her over. She got very teary eyed and ended up bawling at the top of her lungs but wouldn't let me cuddle her. She went stomping upstairs to her room and cried for awhile! The first day Middle Sister was gone Little Sister was very grumpy and ended up stomping upstairs and going to sleep! I think the only thing worse would be separating twins!
I'm sure the first day they are back together they will soon be fussing with each other but I guess that just means they love each other!

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