08 January 2012

When shopping with the WHOLE family...

...you get...

a swift frazzle of activity getting everyone fed at the food court...

...shopping in a MUST-SHOP-AT store because it carries Colts apparel!...

...girls who find interesting seats because the mall is crowded and the real seats are full:)...

...Little Sister acting silly because she is rather bored with shopping...

...kids who are extremely glad to be home -1. they really didn't want to go on an all-day shopping trip in the first place, and 2. they can now play with their new Lego sets!...

...lots of new Lego people, ships, buildings, etc. to liven up your decor  (ahem)...

...memories to add to the Memory Bank!!

I would love your input on what you think of my photos.  I know I still need a new camera - it's in the works.  But for now I'm struggling to keep working with the slowly dying camera I have.  I'm editing these photos on my laptop and as you probably know computer screens all look different.  So if you have time, tell me what you think of these.  Please!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the pics. Sure shows up the old carpet which I hope will soon be replaced! That was a fun day and I'm ready for another family day. Thanks for sharing your pics. Mother

January 8, 2012 at 10:07 PM  
Blogger Mrs. K said...

I'm a bad judge but the colors look a bit off on my end. The only thing I am judging that by is the Legos, the green looks more "minty" than usual.

Looks like fun and my dad has similar carpet in his house :o)

January 9, 2012 at 10:12 AM  
Blogger Sew a Fine Seam said...

yeah I think you are right. I'm looking at it now on my desktop. Will have to take that into consideration when I edit photos on my laptop! Thanks for your input:)

January 9, 2012 at 11:16 AM  
Blogger deborah said...

What a fun day! Chick-Fil-A=yummy!

No good input about the pics...sorry!

January 9, 2012 at 11:23 AM  

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